Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to Basic: Blueberry Pie

When I think of classic pies, the first to come to mind is apple; the next is blueberry.  And with blueberry season in full effect, I thought what better time to make a basic blueberry pie than now.

Since my first blog post,  I've googled "pie crust" more times than i'll admit, still in search of the perfect pie crust recipe.  After being close to exhausting my search, one of my favorite bloggers, Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere, happened to post this pie crust recipe.  I abruptly ended my google search, checked my 'fridge and pantry to ensure I had all the necessary ingredients, and quickly added the recipe to my iPad.

On Saturday I picked up two pints of fresh blueberries and a lemon {and used the juice of one whole lemon} at the local farmers market, and when combined with 3/4 cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, created the perfect filling for my basic blueberry pie.

A slice of this pie was the perfect ending to championship Sunday at the PGA championship {Congrats to Jason Day for winning his first Major championship}

bon appétit,


  1. I only make 2 kids of pie: apple and gooseberry. But this one looks great and easy enough for me to make! I think I'll try it. Go to Southern Living and look up Easy skillet apple pie. Everyone who's tried it has asked for the recipe and actually made it. And it's now their favorite.

  2. Blueberry is not my favorite but this one would be tempting.
